We were just in the final arrangements for the presentation of his honor by the DGZMK when the very sad news of Wolfgang Bengel's death overtook our deliberations. Since he had to interrupt our joint board work at the Dentists' Day two years ago, we have all lived with the diagnosis of a disease that can no longer be cured — the final news still shakes us beyond measure. The Board of Directors and very many of our colleagues mourn the loss of a fine and special man. Through his calmness, his great quiet humor and his approachable manner, everyone could sense that Wolfgang Bengel was a generous person. Wolfgang Bengel never said "no" when it came to taking over a task or an office. His calmness and composure in coping with these tasks have been appreciated by all, as well as his profound knowledge and his very obliging and friendly manner. When sharing a task with him, he did not care who had done more or who was the more successful. Wolfgang Bengel stands exemplary for the many silent experts of his profession. Overtherapy, which could have bypassed the concerns of his patients, was unthinkable for him. Without always letting it be known, he lived the "human" in his doctor-patient relationships every day.
Photo: B. Schunk/German Medical Publishers Fortunately, he passed on his special knowledge in the field of dental photography and diseases of the oral mucosa in many lectures, book publications and also privately. Beyond the borders, his audience was impressed by his confident and friendly way of imparting knowledge. Everyone could sense that he did it with pleasure and free from the airs and graces of the know-it-all. A special honor was his appointment to the board of the highly endowed "Lennart Nilsson Award" in the field of science photography and his laudation in honor of the world-famous science photographer Lennart Nilsson.
During his time as vice-president he established a unique service of the DGZMK with the oral mucosa and X-ray consultation for the colleagues and thus left us all a special memory of his knowledge. From 1998 to 2006 he was Secretary General of the German Society of Periodontology and from 2006 to 2013 Vice President of the DGZMK. The founding of the "Ethics" and "Epidemiology" working groups is partly due to his initiative. Like Wolfgang Bengel The way in which Wolfgang Bengel dealt with and wanted to deal with the difficult diagnosis in the little time he had left in life is expressed in his words of encouragement to his personal environment: "In all that is to come, remain cheerful!" Wolfgang For his sake, we would like to be, but it is especially difficult in view of the loss of such a dear person and esteemed colleague. We will Wolfgang and his work always in memory. Dr. Norbert Grosse for the board of the DGZMK Dr. Wolfgang Bengel (Heiligenberg/Lake Constance) — Studied dentistry in Bonn
— State examination and doctorate in 1974
— Niederlang 1977
— Main fields of work: dental photography and diseases of the oral mucosa (book publications 1984, 1986, 1998 and 2000, 2001, 2006)
— Lecturer and course activity on both topics in Germany and abroad
— constant cooperation, editorial activity in div. Magazines: u.a. "The Quintessence", "Periodontology"
— 1992 until the end of 2004 member of the board of the Association of Statutory Health Insurance Dentists in Hesse
— 1998 to 2006 Secretary General of the German Society of Periodontology e.V.
— since October 2005 Member of the Board of the German Society for Dental, Oral and Maxillofacial Medicine (DGZMK)
— 2006 — 2013 Vice President of the DGZMK
— since 2007 resident in Heiligenberg/Lake Constance
— GP in Heiligenberg since 2012