The neo-Nazi exit program EXIT Germany is threatened with extinction. At the beginning of October, funding from the German Federal Ministry of Labor, which has supported the successful project since 2006 with an annual 90.000 euros from the European Xenos special program. "If the funds fall away, we will no longer have anyone who can provide comprehensive full-time professional support for our 40 or so dropouts," said Georg Simonsky of the Center for Democratic Culture in Berlin, which sponsors EXIT.
Regular care for neo-Nazi dropouts serving prison sentences would then also be practically impossible, said the expert of the project founded eight years ago.But it is precisely there that the prere from fellow prisoners from the right-wing extremist scene is particularly high. The support center appealed to the Federal Ministry of Labor to extend the funding.In its search for more funds to continue EXIT, the Center for Democratic Culture will also apply for funding from programs run by the German Federal Ministry of Family Affairs. However, the ministry had stopped funding the EXIT program in 2006 on the grounds that a civil society initiative should also be funded by civil society, Simonsky reported.